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Whole body cryotherapy for joint pain and inflammation management.

Added to regular adjustments, cryotherapy works symbiotically with chiropractic treatments to help alleviate soreness and get nerve working right again. Here's what chiropractors tell us after using Eden:

"During adjustments, chiropractors specifically target inflamed joints that can cause muscle spasms and pain. A cryo session will constrict the blood vessels, helping alleviate inflammation and damaged nerve activity.

Spinal subluxations are often accompanied by joint pain, muscle soreness and inflammation. Using chiropractic care to correct these subluxations, along with cryotherapy to help decrease the current pain level, muscle soreness and tissue inflammation is a winning combination. It typically takes time to end up in the shape you are in, so healing takes time as well. Cryotherapy along with chiropractic can help accelerate the healing process."

-Patrick McVeigh, Chiropractor


Physical Therapist

Chronic pain treatment as part of regular therapy.

Cryotherapy is a fast, healthy process that accelerates the body's natural recovery. Physical therapists use cryo to enhance their treatments. Here's what they say about Eden:

"Great for muscle recovery and reduction in inflammation."

-Taylor Griffith, Chiropractor


Spa & Wellness

Feel and look better through cryotherapy.

Spa and wellness professionals use cryotherapy because it causes the body to react and cause blood to flow to vital organs, while burning calories and increasing circulation. Here's what they say about Eden:

"I recommend cryotherapy after private yoga sessions for students that are dealing with chronic inflammation or a specific injury. Many students do private yoga when injured because their bodies are not able to handle a full public class and have specific needs. Cryotherapy can help reduce pain, getting even more out of their session."

-Brooke Taylor, Grit City Wellness


Sports & Fitness

Train harder. Recover faster.

Cryotherapy is the cutting-edge cool therapy that briefly exposes the whole body to cool, dry air, significantly reducing inflammation while promoting faster recovery. Here's what Athletes say about Eden:

"Eden is fully electric, so there is no reason to be nervous about nitrogen. It’s just safer. Eden allows me to use whole body therapy to speed up my recovery. It helps make me the athlete i am."

-Allie Long, 2020 US National Team, 2019 World Cup Champion